Robert Jackson Harrington & Hector Hernandez | IMPOSSIBLE TO TELL
Robert Jackson Harrington & Hector Hernandez
- opening reception: friday, december 4, 7-10pm
- exhibition dates: december 4 - january 10, 2015
Hector Hernandez creates worlds of fantasy with his photographs. These images of strange fancies populated by lone figures allow viewers to escape to a fantasy world we wish existed.
Robert Jackson Harrington creates his sculptures with familiar materials that toy with possibilities for imagined outcomes. His arrangements create a sense of becoming something greater. It is a potential world we wish could be fulfilled.
Along with new work created individually, Hernandez and Harrington produced collaborative art works for this exhibition. What happens when what we wish existed crosses with a world that has the potential to be greater? That’s Impossible to Tell.
Artist Biography
Hector Hernandez explores how form is created by, and conversely determines, space. His work references the figure, and currently examines similar figure/space relationships utilizing basic geometric shapes. Recent exhibitions include Unmasked at MACLA in San Jose, California and FOTOFEST Moving Still in Houston, Texas. Hernandez is a founding member of Los Outsides, an art collective.
Artist Biography
Robert Jackson Harrington creates drawings and sculptural installations from everyday materials that center on the concept of potential. Recent exhibitions include the IV Bienal Ciudad Juárez at the Museo de Arte Juárez, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico and the El Paso Biennial 2015 at the El Paso Museum of Art in El Paso, Texas. Currently Harrington directs the Museum of Pocket Art and is a member of the Center for Experimental Practice and Los Outsiders.